Humanity is in chains. The chains are not something physical or political in nature but in the very nature of how people generally operate in their lives.
All the motives of their actions, in almost every case destructive, spring from consideration of a common source - a source which they have not yet examined, and if they did, they would be surprised to find themselves unchained.
The common source is their sense of Self.
This assumption of a Self to be in existence is actually false.
The cause of bondage is not seeing through the illusion of the self.
What is an illusion?
Its an erroneous mental representation, something false believed to be true, some kind of deception, something dishonest. The most insidious thing about an illusion is this - the illusion exists, but the thing which the illusion paints doesn't.
The subtlest illusion which people generally regard as true is the illusion of the self. And to base your life on an illusion - on something which is utterly dishonest is perhaps the most destructive and most unintelligent way to live life.
What is SELF?
SELF refers to the 'I' - the entity which is thought to be the one which experiences life and is owner of it - 'I', the owner of a body, mind, thoughts, emotions etc. But this entity known as the 'Self'/'I' doesn't exist. Everything exists - body, mind, thoughts, emotions; but there is no entity such as 'I' which is its owner.
The reason why there is an illusion of a self to be in existence, and why it is so persistent in its claim, is because the human mind processes things in terms of cause and effect. But as efficient a tool for thinking the model of 'cause and effect' maybe - it doesn't encompass reality - because reality itself is uncaused. People assume that there must be a cause for every action, i.e - there must be a 'doer' behind every 'doing'. But there is no 'doer'/'self'. There is only doing - done by life itself.
To see through this idea of a self (the self which doesn't exist) is when you will gain real sanity. Because until now your motives were corrupted - corrupted by the illusion of the self - and you didn't do things much differently than writing cheques and depositing real cash into a person's bank account when there really is no person by that name in reality - he is fake, a pretension, a fiction, a lie.
You have been living much like Russell Crowe in his flick 'A Beautiful Mind', imagining there is somebody he is working undercover for when there really is nobody and there really is no conspiracy theory that he needs to solve.
Yeah? Do you see how the mind can imagine things which aren't in existence?
See through this illusion. See how in reality the thought of 'I' actually refers to nothing in existence. See how there is just life without an owner of it. See how everything else in the world remains and doesn't lose its existence except Self.
There is no Self. Self doesn't exist. There is just Life. Look and Get Free.

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